Today Wednesday Oct 23, 2024

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Cystoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that helps a urologist examine your bladder and the tube that drains urine (the urethra).A narrow tube (cystoscope) with a lens enters your urethra and leads to the bladder.

Cystoscopy centers

✅Cystoscopy may be performed in the examination room with local anesthesia for the urethra.

✅In another case, the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis in a clinic and is given to a sedative patient.

✅ Another option is to perform this operation in a hospital under general anesthesia.


In cystoscopy, a device enters the bladder through the urethra. Cystoscopy gives the doctor valuable information about the urethra, prostate and bladder.

Velvet-shaped bladder tumors that are not detectable by any means can be easily detected by cystoscopy. Patients who need prostate surgery must have a cystoscopy before the operation. Bladder infections can be completely detected by cystoscopy.

What is the reason for cystoscopy?

Cystoscopy is used to diagnose, examine, and treat problems that affect the bladder and urethra. Your doctor may recommend this method for the following:

Investigate the causes of signs and symptoms:

Symptoms include blood in the urine, urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, and painful urination. Cystoscopy can also help your doctor determine the cause of a urinary tract infection. However, cystoscopy is usually not performed while you have an active urinary tract infection.

Diagnosis of diseases and specific conditions of the bladder in individuals:

Examples include bladder cancer, bladder stones, and cystitis.

Treatment of diseases and problems of the bladder:

Special instruments are inserted into the body with the help of a cystoscope to treat certain conditions inside the bladder. For example, very small bladder tumors can be removed with cystoscopy.

Diagnosis of an enlarged prostate:

Cystoscopy can show narrowing of the urethra where it passes through the prostate gland, thus determining the size of the prostate.


Complications and problems of cystoscopy can include the following:

Infection:Rarely, cystoscopy can insert masses into your urethra that lead to infection. To prevent infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics before and after cystoscopy.Risk factors for urinary tract infection after cystoscopy can include old age, smoking, and an abnormal anatomy of your urethra.

Bleeding:Cystoscopy may cause a small amount of blood in your urine. Severe bleeding rarely occurs in this condition.

the pain:You may feel pain in the abdomen and a burning sensation when urinating. These symptoms are generally balanced and gradually subside after the treatment process.


Cystoscopic side effects

If you experience any of the following after a cystoscopy, call your doctor right away or go to your nearest emergency room:

* Inability to urinate after cystoscopy

* Bright red blood or heavy blood clots inside your urine

* Abdominal pain and nausea

* Ague

* Fever greater than 38.5 ° C

* Pain and burning sensation when urinating that lasts for more than 2 days

Cystoscopic stages

A simple, foot cystoscopy takes about 15 minutes. This can take up to 30 minutes when this is done inside a hospital with the help of painkillers or general anesthesia.Your cystoscopy may involve the following procedure:

1) Bladder emptying

You will be asked to empty your bladder: then you will have to lie on your back on a special table. You will be in a position where your legs are supported by straps and your knees are bent.

2) Anesthesia or anesthesia

You may or may not need housing and anesthesia. If you receive a sedative or analgesic, you will feel drowsy and relaxed during the cystoscopy, but you will still be alert. But if general anesthesia is used, you will not be aware of the treatment process. Both types of drugs enter your body through the arteries inside your hand.

3) Insertion of cystoscope

The doctor inserts the cystoscope into the body: An anesthetic gel is rubbed into your urethra to prevent pain when the cystoscope is inserted.


After waiting a few minutes for anesthesia, your doctor carefully inserts a cystoscope through the tip of your penis into your urethra, using the smallest possible cystoscope.

Larger scopes may be used to sample tissue inside the body or to insert surgical instruments into the bladder.

4) Examination through a cystoscope

Your doctor will examine your urethra and bladder: The cystoscope has a lens at the end that, like a telescope, can enlarge the inside of your urethra and bladder. Your doctor will use a special video camera on top of the lens to display images on a video screen.

5) Inject a sterile solution into the bladder

Your bladder fills with a sterile solution: This solution causes the bladder to enlarge, allowing your doctor to better look inside the organ. You may feel like urinating when your bladder is full. You can empty your bladder after the procedure.

6) Sampling of bladder tissue

Bladder tissue samples may be taken: Your doctor may take body tissue samples for specific tests or follow certain procedures during cystoscopy.

Gynecological cystoscopy

Cystoscopy in women is not very different from men. In this operation, the cystoscope is inserted into the bladder through the urethra into the vagina and the examinations required by the doctor are performed.


Cystoscopic results

Your doctor may be able to talk to you and your partner about the results and outcomes immediately after the procedure.Your doctor may also want to discuss this at another appointment. If your cystoscopy was accompanied by a biopsy for bladder cancer, the sample will be sent to a lab, and your doctor will give you the results after the lab test is complete.